Introducing CUSTOM Skinnyfat Soap - Ordering and Events!!
by Kris Oldenburg
Do you have a special event coming up? Wedding? Bridal Shower? Important Birthday or even a Baby Shower? Well, SkinnyFat Farms can make custom soap...
Baby Goat Yoga 2023- It's a WRAP!!
by Kris Oldenburg
We recently had the pleasure of hosting a series of successful baby goat yoga sessions @ SkinnyFat Farms with our eight 2-3 week old Nubian goats. ...
Baby Goat Season is Officially Here! 💕🐐
by Eric Oldenburg
It's that time of the year again! Baby goat season is here and SkinnyFat Farms has welcomed 5 new baby goats on April 1st.
So far our mommas have g...
No New Zealand Trip for Us. 😢
by Eric Oldenburg
The excitement of planning a vacation to New Zealand was quickly replaced with sadness when we realized that we would be leaving our house sitter w...
New Zealand, here we come!
by Eric Oldenburg
We will be in New Zealand March 11th through the 24th.
Soaps will all be out of stock during this time and will return to stock and available on the 25th.
Rocky the House Duck!
by Kris Oldenburg
Market News
by Kris Oldenburg
"....Skinnyfat Farms is currently participating in two Farmer's Markets"
Rocky the Duck
by Kris Oldenburg
Meet Rocky (we are guessing its a BOY) the new baby runner duck we have on the farm! We just started trying to hatch ducklings and so far he is ou...
Due Date: March 31st 2023!!
by Kris Oldenburg
The Kids are coming!!! The kids are coming!!!
We have confirmed, via Ultrasound, we are expecting at LEAST 8 kids starting March 31st, 2023. this ...
Farm Life is Sometimes Hard
by Kris Oldenburg
We tragically lost our Daisy girl this week. We love and already miss her so much. Daisy was a great farm dog, Although, we did have a few "chicke...
Goat Love is in the Air - breeding season began October 30th!
by Kris Oldenburg
Phoebe's Sweet Tristan is our herd sire for the 2023 breeding season. We exposed Galaxy, Iris, Calliope, and Jewel on Octob...
by Kris Oldenburg
We can not wait to get back to the farmers market!! SkinnyFat Farms will be back at the Downtown Chandler market on Saturday October 8th starting...
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